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Monday, June 6, 2011

The Literary Marketing Education of Author G. D. Grace (6-6-2011)

When I set out on this journey back in 2009, I had no idea what I was doing.  The only thing I knew is that I wanted to write books, and that's exactly what I did.  I currently have five full novels out in circulation right now, but I had no idea how to market myself.  So, here I am, a couple of years later still growing as a writer and researching the available avenues to market the G. D. Grace brand.

As I sit on the cusp of yet another release, "Daddy", I am just as thirsty as I was when released my first self-published book, "Knights of Deception".  As a self-published author I have obtained the knowledge I have now through trial and error mostly, however, I have learned a great deal from other authors I have networked with on Facebook, or interviewed on the blog talk radio show, "A Touch of Grace", that I produce.

"A Touch of Grace" began on September 2nd, 2010 and it was a first for me.  I was introduced to the world of blog talk radio by, Robert Wesley Branch, who interviewed me back in March of 2010.  Over the summer I honed my interviewing skills participating in his blog talk radio show, and then through natural progression I stepped out on my own and started mine.

So, here I sit in a position where that next level is before me.   I started another Blog on Google entitled: Author G. D. Grace's LIterary Blog 2, and I enrolled myself into the Google APSense program.  Currently I am educating myself on how to maximize my earning potential with it.  I've also registered with Linked In, another social networking forum for professionals to further broaden the Author G. D. Grace footprint.

These last couple of days I have not only been editing and adding more material to my 6th novel, I have also been investing in gaining knowledge of the marketing side of this literary business.  LULU, the self-publishing website I use has been extremely instrumental in making my dreams become a reality.  I remember tuning into the tutorials that they provided and I learned a great deal about branding.  Either you chose to brand your product (the book), or your name.  I chose the latter, branding my name, knowing that  I was going to publish many.
In order to grow, I make it a point to interact with as many like-minded individuals as I can, opening myself up to learning from them as, I hope, many are learning from me.  I also have surrounded myself with some real movers and shakers in this literary game.  I had to weed out individuals who weren't going in the same direction as I was, not because I think I'm better than them, because that isn't the case.  I have a thorough understanding that progressive individuals are the ones who are focused on their goals, and diligently work at perfecting this craft.  I consider myself to be one of them, therefore, the energy and encouragement shared between us elevates our efforts and spirits.

And so, as I embark on this next level in the literary world, I take with me the lessons I've learned from the past, and embrace the circle of professionals that I have been blessed to be associated with.  There is a short story I wrote entitled, "July's Independence" slated to be published in magazine publisher, Tiffany Lewis', July 2011 edition, and the interview I participated in with magazine publisher, Cleavester Brooks, that appears in the premiere edition of his SGL BookLovers  magazine -- currently in circulation.

Well, this is the eduction of Author G. D. Grace.  I'm anxious to learn the marketing side of this business and ambitious enough to drive myself in an ethical fashion towards success.

With positive vibes I push forward, and leave this particular entry with an original GD quote:

"...I am not envious of your success, I am inspired by it"

Push on, fellow authors and artists... push on.


Author, G. D. Grace Literary Links: 




“A Touch of Grace” Blog Talk Radio Show: 


CALL IN NUMBER TO SHOW: (347) 215-6245

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