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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Candid Observation (4-7-2011)

Tonight I observed, first hand,  how hard it is for someone to tell you that they'll miss you, and how much they valued your friendship over the course of  time that you spent with them.  I suppose I have learned over the years that many people have gone through so much pain and hurt that they find it difficult to express themselves with tender words, because they fear that whatever has transpired in the past will occur again, so rather than embracing and displaying any type of sensitivity towards the friendship, they hide behind hateful words, harsh criticisms, and piercing judgments, focusing on the mistakes you've made as opposed to rejoicing on what you have managed to achieve in spite them.
Much of the darkness I've experienced in life manifested itself in a lack of self-worth, and it seemed I was always searching for love from the mouths and hearts of others, until I discovered an inner-strength and sound ambition hidden in me -- one that was hidden behind everything I encountered as a result of being a creative creature.  Little did I know that my power rested in the core of literary expression and blog talk radio.  I've amassed quite a following on this blog I created over a year ago, and it has surpassed 10,000 visitors.  That means that 10,000 people believe that I have something to say, and that it is a place worth stopping by to visit.  The radio show, "A Touch of Grace" has had over 7,000 visitors, and numerous guest -- and the future guest list is growing with each passing day.
In the heart of this transition I see people I've known for years, family and friends, who choose to remain in the comforts of what they call existence, who never stepped out on faith to discover their passion and follow their dreams, so it is understandable why these individuals cannot fathom how I walked away from a 26 year corporate job and have struggled ever since.  They aren't evolved enough to see all that I have accomplished since I made the move -- the only thing that they can see is how hard I have been struggling, and what I left behind.
Well, I now know that it is not my responsibility to help them see what I have accomplished as a result of stepping out on faith.  It is also not my intention to move them past what they see, the only thing that I can do is focus on what it is I am trying to build and carve out for myself based on my talent and creativity.  A dear friend of mine affirmed everything for me last night, when she said that following your own road in this life might never sit well with some, but that I need to always remember that it is my road, not theirs.
So, as some sit back and reflect on the decisions I've made in order to be able to do what is in my heart, I've decided to maintain momentum and focus as I continue to get closer to a successful creative profession -- one that will satisfy the hunger inside of me, and in the wake of all that I do, I am creating a literary legacy that will outlive me.
One of my favorite quotes is, "It's not the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away..."
Live for you, and prosper...

Author, G. D. Grace Literary Links: 



“A Touch of Grace” Blog Talk Radio Show: 


CALL IN NUMBER TO SHOW: (347) 215-6245

Author G. D. Grace reserves all rights and reproduction without written permission is not permitted.  If found, legal action will be taken against the person(s) or company(s) that have cut or pasted (Plagiarized) any portion of this written document.  Author, G. D. Grace; Published © 2011 April

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