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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

“LOOK” by East Palo Alto, CA Poet, James De’Mario Shepard

You don’t see what I see


Drug abusers

Dope dealers in my family since as far back as I can remember

Poor recycled toys in December

No privacy

Me and my sister shared the same room


The same clothes

Mommy would leave us at home alone…

Our friend’s mom was the same way

It was always like that around those days

You don’t see what I see

Rats, roaches & poverty

Gunfire every night…


Angry youth having street fights

Domestic violence

It’s all natural where I come from

Most kids have street knowledge but in class…

straight ass dumb.

Blacks shoot blacks and…

shoot any other color in a feud.

Young girls grow up nasty, rude, and confused

You don’t see what I see

When I go outside…

I hear police sirens “on the daily”

Fire Marshall and Paramedics


“Meth” and…

Heroin addicts.




Mean-Mugs and…

Fake smiles, you never know…

you never know who has a gun…

Male or female…

People stab the backs of their own loved ones…

Most go to church…

even had a few crooked preachers…

mayors and police officers…

it’s sad when you read about the people in your local paper.

You don’t see what I see

White man buying up all “tha” property making us move from the bay…

to the valley…

because they increased the rent.

Crime is at an all time high…

We’ve got a curfew.

They close all the liquor stores at 9pm

(Now that’s F’d up) and..

if you don’t make it there before they close then…

Your S… out of luck…

those are the only stores in the city.

No one goes to the city council meetings…

that’s why they do this to us.

Too much violence…

I’m afraid to send my kids on the bus…

but I do it anyway…

they’ll just have to adjust.

You don’t see what I see

Young mothers dealing with…

C. P. S. and…

Welfare –

most fathers don’t care about much except the corner…

new cars and…

what to wear –

Selling and using drugs for “Multiple plus years”…

Many funerals…

many tears…

Barbershop, out the garage, candy houses…

in the ghetto most of us hustle through these blocks…

in and out of juvenile detention…

county jail…


young men and young women

You don’t see what I see.

Long Section-8 wait…

PG&E turned off…

foreclosed homes…



Angry parents shouting at rallies and protest against…

the police brutality…

street violence –

A witness to the crime silenced.

Lots of abortions…
Lots of extortion…

75% of the people in the city aren’t legal…

breaking every health & safety code

You don’t see what I see

People with talent trying to make it out…

through their music…






or just being good at “talking-from-the-mouth”

I see the strive…

I see the struggle to survive…

better days…
I see lots of lives that can be changed and saved…

I see the educational programs…

drug rehabs…

job fairs…

I see options…

I see me and me = One …

I can see a way out…

Now you can see what I see…

Don’t be blind to the facts…

Reality check…

Can you survive the experience?

Poet James De’Mario Shepard (AKA: Rio Big) reserves all rights and reproduction without written permission is not permitted.  If found, legal action will be taken against the person(s) or company(s) that have cut or pasted (Plagiarized) any portion of this written document.  Published © 2011 March

(As a way of giving back, I will feature poetry by young artist so that they can showcase their abilities and passion in the form of literary expression.  It’s my commitment as an established self-published author to inspire the youth in their literary endeavors, showing them that there are those out here who sincerely care about them, but most importantly, show them that it is possible for their dreams unfold.  G. D. Grace 2011, March)

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