APSense, TwitterDeck, Klout, Blog Talk Radio "In Studio", Linked-In, etc... Networking with power players who are out there making it happen. Observing their actions so that I can fork out and claim my own place on this heavily populated literary/entertainment plain -- constantly embracing my own self-confidence. Learning not to apologize after I've called someone out for disrespecting me or attacking my character. Leaving those who seem to look their noses down on me alone, with respect.
You see, I will get there with or without you.
As a growing literary personality I am eating, sleeping, and walking the ambition that wants to achieve and make a living doing what I love. Working through discouragement teary-eyed and frustrated, constantly writing & reading and listening... wondering how, when, where and with what means? None of these questions seem to halt the power behind this passion I have.
These days there is more laughter and smiles. These days there is less judgment and more understanding when it comes to others, their obligations, their lives, and their space -- because I have my own space that I cherish and need so that I am able to do the things that I aspire to do. It's called having a life -- not theirs, mine.
Growth occurs whether we participate in it or not -- the scars of age on our faces and in our joints are clear reminders of that. Those willing to cultivate and expand on their existence are the ones who I'm drawn to during this era of my life. I will not co-mingle closely with anyone who uses negativity as a platform to uplift themselves.
I protect what I've found carefully, because it took years for me to find it. There is no bargaining to be done when it comes to how I allow someone to treat me -- either you will or won't accept the terms of friendship that I have presented. I tell you, it is so unnerving to engage in a conversation with someone insistent on telling me that I need to "man-up" or stop being so "soft".
What the hell does being "soft" or "being a man" have to do with common respect?
Fortunately for me I have learned the art of treating people with a long-handled spoon very well. Oh, don't get me wrong, there are inklings of the past that still try to pull me back -- inklings that want me to conform just to be accepted by that person but... hell no. I have too many other people who get it.
So, here I am still chipping away at the granite, carving out my name each and every day. Creativity is in me like the crimson flowing through my veins. I know what I need to be doing in order to get to that place I am working to get to -- not trying to get to, working to get to.
I wear ambition and passion proudly, for they are what saved my life. I thank God Almighty for intervening and listening that morning when I cried out to him from that dark place, and I never want to forget that I am a survivor of clinical depression and substance abuse. I found self-worth the day that I embraced who I was and accepted me on my own terms.
(Reflections of a Writer)
Author, G. D. Grace Literary Links:
EMAIL: Detria0918@sbcglobal.net
“A Touch of Grace” Blog Talk Radio Show:
CALL IN NUMBER TO SHOW: (347) 215-6245
(Psalms 30:5)
Author G. D. Grace reserves all rights and reproduction without written permission is not permitted. If found, legal action will be taken against the person(s) or company(s) that have cut or pasted (Plagiarized) any portion of this written document. Author, G. D. Grace; Published © 2011 July
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