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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Here I Stand" by Author, G. D. Grace

Let me explain something to you...

You see these scratches on my knees are only temporary...

and the dirt on my face from having fallen down can be washed away,
but one thing still in tact is my spirit...

You see, it belongs to a power that I cannot even fathom...

It is resilient

It is strong

It takes a licking and keeps on ticking...

It was designed to get me through this thing called life...

As a human being my body has limitations, however, my soul is vast...

Because it was born out of a love more powerful than anything I can see...

When people hurt me I recover...

When my purpose is interrupted I always find my way...



I rise upward from the ashes of mourning and disappointment...

temporary discouragement might rattle the cage on the outside

violent bouts of frustration will sometimes barrel down on my mental,

yet I emerge like the light of another day...

out of the darkness...




my feet are planted on sacred ground...

my eyes are always fixated upward towards the heavens...

inside of me I am warmed by a divine spirit...

I've been knocked down repeatedly but I'll always get back up...

Here I stand...

What else have you got?

I'm not going to stay down for long...

Here I stand...

Here I stand...

Author, G. D. Grace Literary Links:



“A Touch of Grace” Blog Talk Radio Show:


CALL IN NUMBER TO SHOW: (347) 215-6245

Author G. D. Grace reserves all rights and reproduction without written permission is not permitted.  If found, legal action will be taken against the person(s) or company(s) that have cut or pasted (Plagiarized) any portion of this written document.  Author, G. D. Grace; Published © 2011 March

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

“Holding onto a Dream” (3-29-2011)

Holding onto a dream, while facing adverse situations and an insurmountable amount of life challenges can really ravage the spirit and have you questioning faith.  The hardest thing to do is to continue the fight — especially when things seem so far out of reach.   Perhaps this is really what it’s all about and where our true character is defined — and the lessons we learn…the ones that we will be able to share with others fighting the same fight are those that recount where we’ve been, what we’ve gone through, and how we got to where we are….
With everything that is in me, I am holding onto a dream….

Author, G. D. Grace Literary Links: 




“A Touch of Grace” Blog Talk Radio Show: 


CALL IN NUMBER TO SHOW: (347) 215-6245
Author G. D. Grace reserves all rights and reproduction without written permission is not permitted.  If found, legal action will be taken against the person(s) or company(s) that have cut or pasted (Plagiarized) any portion of this written document.  Author, G. D. Grace; Published © 2011 March

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Within (2-23-2011)

Have you ever paused and recognized how powerful love is?  I can remember how hard I used to search to find something to fill the emptiness that I had within me, a void that kept me depressed and unable to embrace the beauty and joy here in this life.
The warmth of sunshine was something that I could not feel, even though it’s hue cascaded down from the clearest blue sky.  I had befriended misery and darkness subconsciously, taking on the insecurities of others in an effort to console and uplift them while denying myself the pleasure of receiving love from the ones who saw who I was without judgment or ridicule.
I eventually accepted the challenge of rising above my circumstances to become a vibrant expression of creativity — one  that would allow me the honor of sharing a blessed gift that had been awarded at birth.   It wasn’t easy in the beginning because writing required me to face one of my greatest fears head on, solitude.
Diving into the art of literary composition has been one of the most rewarding adventures I have ever embarked on in life.  In the process of developing this craft I uncovered a passion that filled the emptiness I once felt within, and even though some familiar faces have departed from my circle, I have never felt more complete.
While I was in the midst of this frightening transition a remarkable transformation manifested and revealed to me exactly where I fit in.   I developed relationships with others who were like me who had a passion similar to mine.  I discovered love on yet another level.
Had I held onto the security of the high paying job I once held I am most certain that I would not have grown into this person I have become today — the person who loves himself and all of his faults.  I also know that, without a doubt, I would not be able to see how truly loved and blessed I am.
Those who are only around for a season or two are essential to our growth, so the times we spend with them must also be cherished.  I can honestly say that I am stronger as a result of having had them in my life.  I didn’t understand it as much as I do now, because I wasn’t open to accepting change.
Within, there is a place where we all must go to at some point in our lives to identify who we are, what we want, and what we expect out of life.  It requires courage, faith, and belief to peel back every single layer with diligence, for sometimes we learn  more things about ourselves than we care to know, but it is necessary.
As a result of my journey through self discovery I can now identify others who are still struggling within to find themselves,  because their actions dictate their struggle.  Some have mastered the art of disguising their insecurities with material things and boastful rhetoric, but I have found that life is truly a spiritual journey.
Our existence is limited but our legacy is timeless, and love is infinite.   When we identify that pure part of ourselves that we were born with when we entered this life that is when we can harvest the power that is within.

Author, G. D. Grace Literary Links: 



“A Touch of Grace” Blog Talk Radio Show: 


Author G. D. Grace reserves all rights and reproduction without written permission is not permitted.  If found, legal action will be taken against the person(s) or company(s) that have cut or pasted (Plagiarized) any portion of this written document.  Author, G. D. Grace; Published © 2011 February

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Teena Marie - Yes Indeed (Video)

14 Silence Of My Mind - INCOGNITO

Stevie Wonder - As

"here..." an introspective by Author G. D. Grace

and me,
In constant battle with fear
always trying to see things more clear
fighting against the weight of these past demons
hoping to resolve issues with sound logic and reasons...
making it happen in spite of what I've gone through...
moving ahead regardless of hateful words that some spew...
standing as tall as I have ever stood
living as yes I can instead of wish I could...
reaching for that star up high that glows...
finely tuning my life so that it flows...
right here...
with this calculated rhythm beating strongly...
linking letters to words to be heard loudly...
in the midst of everything and everyone...
rapidly walking except those times when I run...
looking in to heal the pain...
in constant stride to see the gain...
right here...
knowing the difference to see the truth...
deciphering misleading while identifying the clue...
right here...
captivated by ambition intrigued with faith...
recognizing that good things come to those who wait...
here I am
right here am I
exhausted sometimes but still giving in to try...
deeply searching for that place to be
enriched by all surrounding me...
here I am...
right here am I
Living it to the fullest until the day I die...

Author, G. D. Grace Literary Links: 




“A Touch of Grace” Blog Talk Radio Show: 


CALL IN NUMBER TO SHOW: (347) 215-6245

Author G. D. Grace reserves all rights and reproduction without written permission is not permitted.  If found, legal action will be taken against the person(s) or company(s) that have cut or pasted (Plagiarized) any portion of this written document.  Author, G. D. Grace; Published © 2011 March

"Sliver of Light" (3-23-2011)

Through all the trials and tribulations one thing remains constant, life moves on. 
Regardless of all transgressions and detrimental mistakes we make, if we stick around, eventually, better days reveal themselves in the form of a sliver of light.
Our destinies have been predetermined long before we were born, so our contributions towards our professional and personal passions assist in defining our character, our beliefs, and our faith. 
Let today be the day that I take yet another step towards becoming who I am destined to be, and may I always seek the solace of that sliver of light.  

Author, G. D. Grace Literary Links:




“A Touch of Grace” Blog Talk Radio Show:


CALL IN NUMBER TO SHOW: (347) 215-6245

Author G. D. Grace reserves all rights and reproduction without written permission is not permitted.  If found, legal action will be taken against the person(s) or company(s) that have cut or pasted (Plagiarized) any portion of this written document.  Author, G. D. Grace; Published © 2011 March

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Seed by Author G D Grace

Once covered beneath the warming minerals of earth’s soil,

I peek through, spouting upward towards the cascading showers of sunshine,

The creaking noises from growth as I emerge are invigorating

My pod is being redesigned with the newness of change

And with the first taste of water my strength increases

I’m firmer now

I’m taller now

When I look down I see the translucent shell from wince I came

In the broad smile of confidence color ignites, altering my personality

I am no longer the beginning I am now the  proceeding

In the wind I sway in all directions, inhaling what sustains life

Drifting along the passage of time, I begin to bloom with the change of season

I yawn in the midst of Autumn

Sleep during the rigid cold of winter

And I awaken during the freshness of spring

In summer’s fleeting  intensity I bask in the length of longer days

I periodically reflect on where it all began

And I remember what it was like before the change

For I am more now than just a colorless weed

In my humble beginnings I was just

A seed

Author, G. D. Grace Literary Links: 



“A Touch of Grace” Blog Talk Radio Show: 


CALL IN NUMBER TO SHOW: (347) 215-6245

Author G. D. Grace reserves all rights and reproduction without written permission is not permitted.  If found, legal action will be taken against the person(s) or company(s) that have cut or pasted (Plagiarized) any portion of this written document.  Author, G. D. Grace; Published © 2010 June

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wednesday 3/23/11 “A Touch of Grace” interviews 3 talented writers from “Steamy Trails Creative Writers”

There’s a story inside all of us, and some of us actually take on the challenge of putting it down in print, investing in the creative process to bring a storyline and it’s characters to life.

The entire process can be a daunting task; keeping time-frames tight, making the plot line interesting, while giving the characters believable, descriptive, and identifiable characteristics.

Painting a picture in the form of literary expression allows a writer to relocate what is inside the mind and bring it to life on paper for readers to indulge in momentary escapism , and is a feat accomplished by the passionate.

Join “A Touch of Grace” Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011 at 3:30pm PST which is 5:30pm CDT and 6:30pm EST as I interview three talented writers, Wil. D. Palazzo, Nike Ma, and Katrina Girl from the Facebook group called “Steamy Trails Creative Writers“.

It’ll be another “win-it thirty minutes”  for all literary enthusiast…

Ladies and gentlemen, Wednesday’s guests, Wil. D. Pallazo, Nike Ma, and Katrina Gurl:

Katrina Gurl’s Facebook Fan Page & Website Links:
Nike Ma’s Facebook & Web links:

Wil. D. Palazzo’s Contact Info and Facebook Link: 

    Author, G. D. Grace Literary Links: 




    “A Touch of Grace” Blog Talk Radio Show: 


    CALL IN NUMBER TO SHOW: (347) 215-6245

    Author G. D. Grace reserves all rights and reproduction without written permission is not permitted.  If found, legal action will be taken against the person(s) or company(s) that have cut or pasted (Plagiarized) any portion of this written document.  Author, G. D. Grace; Published © 2011 March

    Thursday, March 17, 2011

    A Touch of Grace interview with PHE Ink, Author Brooklen Borne at 9am (PST) which is 12pm (EST) on Friday 3/18/2011

    A Touch of Grace interview with PHE Ink, Author Brooklen Borne at 9am (PST) which is 12pm (EST) on Friday 3/18/2011.
    Brooklen Borne is a native New Yorker who began writing short stories in high school based on his street experience.  His English teacher advised him to enter his writings in the state-wide literary contest.  He didn’t follow through with her suggestion because the streets were more appealing.  Years later, Brooklen returned to his passion of writing and has written one novel, three novellas and six short stories.
      Brooklen holds an AS from Charminade University in Honolulu, Hawaii and a BS from National University in La Jolla, California. Both degrees are in Criminal Justice with a minor in Behavioral Science.

    Author of The Write Lover 

    Author, G. D. Grace Literary Links: 




    “A Touch of Grace” Blog Talk Radio Show: 


    CALL IN NUMBER TO SHOW: (347) 215-6245

    Wednesday, March 16, 2011

    My Responsible A!! (3-16-2011)

    I’m responsible for the chances I take in life…

    I’m responsible for the dreams I choose to follow…

    I’m responsible for the people I allow into my life…

    I’m responsible for eliminating negative thoughts and doubt…

    I’m responsible for getting back up, dusting myself off and trying again…

    I’m responsible for doing rather than saying what I’m going to do…

    I’m responsible for holding myself accountable…

    I’m responsible for staying focused and completing what I set out to do…

    I’m responsible for being a consummate professional even under the most adverse situations…

    I’m responsible for my reaction to discouraging words…

    I’m responsible for my actions after a relationship has gone bad…

    I’m responsible for educating myself on matters concerning my passion..

    I’m responsible for learning from my mistakes…

    I’m responsible for the examples I set for others to follow…

    I’m responsible for the accomplishments I achieve in this life…

    I’m responsible for being a better human being…

    I’m responsible for appreciating the compliments directed at the work I do…

    I’m responsible for cultivating and respecting my craft…

    I’m responsible for knowing the difference between right and wrong…

    Yeah, me…

    With my responsible ass…

    Author, G. D. Grace Literary Links: 




    “A Touch of Grace” Blog Talk Radio Show: 


    CALL IN NUMBER TO SHOW: (347) 215-6245

    Author G. D. Grace reserves all rights and reproduction without written permission is not permitted.  If found, legal action will be taken against the person(s) or company(s) that have cut or pasted (Plagiarized) any portion of this written document.  Author, G. D. Grace; Published © 2011 March

    “LOOK” by East Palo Alto, CA Poet, James De’Mario Shepard

    You don’t see what I see


    Drug abusers

    Dope dealers in my family since as far back as I can remember

    Poor recycled toys in December

    No privacy

    Me and my sister shared the same room


    The same clothes

    Mommy would leave us at home alone…

    Our friend’s mom was the same way

    It was always like that around those days

    You don’t see what I see

    Rats, roaches & poverty

    Gunfire every night…


    Angry youth having street fights

    Domestic violence

    It’s all natural where I come from

    Most kids have street knowledge but in class…

    straight ass dumb.

    Blacks shoot blacks and…

    shoot any other color in a feud.

    Young girls grow up nasty, rude, and confused

    You don’t see what I see

    When I go outside…

    I hear police sirens “on the daily”

    Fire Marshall and Paramedics


    “Meth” and…

    Heroin addicts.




    Mean-Mugs and…

    Fake smiles, you never know…

    you never know who has a gun…

    Male or female…

    People stab the backs of their own loved ones…

    Most go to church…

    even had a few crooked preachers…

    mayors and police officers…

    it’s sad when you read about the people in your local paper.

    You don’t see what I see

    White man buying up all “tha” property making us move from the bay…

    to the valley…

    because they increased the rent.

    Crime is at an all time high…

    We’ve got a curfew.

    They close all the liquor stores at 9pm

    (Now that’s F’d up) and..

    if you don’t make it there before they close then…

    Your S… out of luck…

    those are the only stores in the city.

    No one goes to the city council meetings…

    that’s why they do this to us.

    Too much violence…

    I’m afraid to send my kids on the bus…

    but I do it anyway…

    they’ll just have to adjust.

    You don’t see what I see

    Young mothers dealing with…

    C. P. S. and…

    Welfare –

    most fathers don’t care about much except the corner…

    new cars and…

    what to wear –

    Selling and using drugs for “Multiple plus years”…

    Many funerals…

    many tears…

    Barbershop, out the garage, candy houses…

    in the ghetto most of us hustle through these blocks…

    in and out of juvenile detention…

    county jail…


    young men and young women

    You don’t see what I see.

    Long Section-8 wait…

    PG&E turned off…

    foreclosed homes…



    Angry parents shouting at rallies and protest against…

    the police brutality…

    street violence –

    A witness to the crime silenced.

    Lots of abortions…
    Lots of extortion…

    75% of the people in the city aren’t legal…

    breaking every health & safety code

    You don’t see what I see

    People with talent trying to make it out…

    through their music…






    or just being good at “talking-from-the-mouth”

    I see the strive…

    I see the struggle to survive…

    better days…
    I see lots of lives that can be changed and saved…

    I see the educational programs…

    drug rehabs…

    job fairs…

    I see options…

    I see me and me = One …

    I can see a way out…

    Now you can see what I see…

    Don’t be blind to the facts…

    Reality check…

    Can you survive the experience?

    Poet James De’Mario Shepard (AKA: Rio Big) reserves all rights and reproduction without written permission is not permitted.  If found, legal action will be taken against the person(s) or company(s) that have cut or pasted (Plagiarized) any portion of this written document.  Published © 2011 March

    (As a way of giving back, I will feature poetry by young artist so that they can showcase their abilities and passion in the form of literary expression.  It’s my commitment as an established self-published author to inspire the youth in their literary endeavors, showing them that there are those out here who sincerely care about them, but most importantly, show them that it is possible for their dreams unfold.  G. D. Grace 2011, March)

    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    A Touch of Grace interviews PHE Ink, Author Jean Holloway Friday, 3/18/2011, at 9AM (PST) or 12PM (EST)

    Tune in to A Touch of Grace on Friday, 3/18/2011, at 9AM (PST) or 12PM (EST), as I interview the incredibly talented author of “Ace of Hearts”, “Black Jack”, and “Deuces Wild”.
    Learn the inspiration behind the “card theme” of her novels, as well as, other intriguing tidbits about her humble beginnings and successes in the literary world.

    Link to PHE Ink:


    Jean Holloway’s Amazon Page: 


    Author, G. D. Grace Literary Links: 



    “A Touch of Grace” Blog Talk Radio Show: 


    CALL IN NUMBER TO SHOW: (347) 215-6245

    Author G. D. Grace reserves all rights and reproduction without written permission is not permitted.  If found, legal action will be taken against the person(s) or company(s) that have cut or pasted (Plagiarized) any portion of this written document.  Author, G. D. Grace; Published © 2011 March

    Quiet (3-15-2011)

    Quiet - Is a time for reflection, contemplation, and strategical planning -- to move forward, rising from the ashes of circumstances that has caused disappointment.  Within the corridors of silence is where creativity thrives, and it's a place where we can lick our wounds and heal...

    Author, G. D. Grace Literary Links: 



    “A Touch of Grace” Blog Talk Radio Show: 


    CALL IN NUMBER TO SHOW: (347) 215-6245

    Author G. D. Grace reserves all rights and reproduction without written permission is not permitted.  If found, legal action will be taken against the person(s) or company(s) that have cut or pasted (Plagiarized) any portion of this written document.  Author, G. D. Grace; Published © 2011 March

    Monday, March 14, 2011

    CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT!! A Touch of Grace seeks Authors for its “Storyteller”

    A Touch of Grace is seeking ambitions and courageous authors who are interested in showcasing their work during a 30 minute spot on the Storyteller segment of the show.  The entire 30 minutes will be devoted entirely to the author who will be given the spotlight to entertain listeners by reading excerpts from their novel.

    All authors selected for a spot on Storyteller will not only be showcasing their talent, they will also automatically be entered into a contest where the winner will be decided by the listeners.  The listeners will cast their vote for their favorite author featured on Storyteller and the author with the most votes will be awarded a prize ( A prize to be announced in a later blog post).

    The blog talk radio show, A Touch of Grace, is currently rising in the ratings with 5000+ visitors, so an appearance on Storyteller is a prime opportunity for authors to promote themselves, their literary projects and, most importantly, gain new fans.

    This contest will run for a 3-month period of time so that a variety of authors will be given the opportunity to participate.  More details are coming, however, interested authors can show their interest by sending an email stating so to the email address below.

    The original author interview segment is still part of the A Touch of Grace line up, Storyteller is a newly added addition to the blog talk radio show — it is also the first of many new segments to come.  As the weeks progress each new segment will be revealed.

    As producer of A Touch of Grace, it is my goal to make this blog talk radio show the must-be-on spot for all established and rising artist.  Most recently I have discovered that there has been a huge buzz about the show, and I have been tapped by individuals  interested in becoming sponsors for the show.   Sponsorship will allow me an extended freedom to have longer running shows on any day at any time.  Soon I will be looking for talented individuals to host their own spots or co-host with me on segments of  A Touch of Grace.

    A Touch of Grace is the little engine that can, and I look forward to introducing talented and well-deserving authors/entertainers to the world.

    Author & Producer, G. D. Grace

    Email Address To Submit Your Show of Interest:


    Author, G. D. Grace Literary Links: 



    “A Touch of Grace” Blog Talk Radio Show: 


    CALL IN NUMBER TO SHOW: (347) 215-6245

    Author G. D. Grace reserves all rights and reproduction without written permission is not permitted.  If found, legal action will be taken against the person(s) or company(s) that have cut or pasted (Plagiarized) any portion of this written document.  Author, G. D. Grace; Published © 2011 March